G: 1. [abbreviation ] Gay. This abbreviation is used in the classified ads. 2. [1990s] n. a friend or associate.
gallons: having more than seven inches of cock.
gadar: [1980s] This word is formed from, "gay and radar" to describe the ability of one gay person to recognize or find another gay person. synonyms radar
GAGA (adj., n.): (1) The early stage(s) of homosexuality. (2) An inexperienced, immature homosexual. (3) The first steps of arousal between two homosexuals who enjoy each other's intimacy. (See KI-KI.)
gander: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked. See top for Synonyms.
gang-bang: 1. An occasion when several males do the the sex act fuck, serially with one man. 2. A group sex orgy.
gang-banged: several men taking turns fucking one who is held down: mass rape.
GANG-FUCK (or GANG-BANG) (n.): A group of homosexuals having an orgy of pedication and irrumation, etc., wherein DAISY CHAINS (q.v.) are a part. Originally, a gang-fuck was a single boy or homosexual being forced into all forms of sex by two or more males. This is now obsolete and the two terms are interchangeable.
Ganymede: 1. a boy kept for sex 2. a young man beloved by an older man. 3. younger partner in a pederastic relationship 4. [Middle Ages sl] reference to any male homosexual. 5. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was the Trojan boy that was so beautiful that Zeus, the father of the gods, kidnapped him and made him his lover and cup-bearer.
garage: 1. asshole 2. the pants or clothes that is over the cock.
garbage woman: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse, one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.
gash: 1. [prison sl] one that is not an anally virgin, that has been fucked. 2. prison prostitute 3. prison sexually oppressed constantly raped victim. 4. any young or inexperienced boy. 5. to be a bottoms: the men who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse the man who is fucked, as opposed to the one who is doing the fucking. 6. homosexual regarded only as a sex partner.
GASH-EATER (n.): A cunnilinctor.
gatees: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
gay: 1. adj. (16th century England theatrical) young men or boy wearing the costume of a women in a play. [send in the Gay.]
gay boy 1950s geycat 30s and 40s hobo slang a trap younger homosexual lover 2. 1637, it took on the meaning of a person leading a loose and immoral life. 3.prostitute 1825, it was sometimes used to refer to female hookers. A "gay house" was a brothel 4. late 19th century, to be convalescent, or in good health. 5. nuon. (16th century) homosexual man. 1933 “Gay" was first used to in USA Literature and movie's, refer to a male homosexual in the 1933 play "Young and Evil." Cary Grant used it in the 1938 movie "Bringing up Baby" to refer to a transvestite. Cary Grant exclaims, "I've Just gone gay--all of a sudden" to explain why he is wearing a fur-trimmed nightgown. [Completely Queer The Gay and Lesbian Encyclopedia By Steve Hogan Lee Hudson Copyright © 1998] Gershn Legman and G.V. Henry mentioned the term gay in their book Sexual Variations (1941). 6. New Yorkers were using "gay" by World War II as a alternative to "Queer," "pansy," and "fairy." The term gay did not become widely familar to the general public, until the Stonewall riot of June 28, 1969 by 1974 the word "gay" meant both "gay and lesbian" (e.g. the lesbians who were active in the Gay Liberation Front preferred calling themselves Gay rather than Lesbian). But the general public used gay, in ways that ignored or excluded women, so gay women favored the word "lesbian. A 1995 survey in the Advocate, 34 percent preferred to called "gay women."
7. adj. happy excitement, merry. 1800 It was used as a synonym for happy by Chaucer in the 14th century. 8. adj. lively or bright. 9. verb. [USA 1990s] to be inadequate or displeasing; TO SUCK. something bad or unacceptable. ["that's so gay" or "that's gay."] ("That movie was fucking gay.") note: In the late 1990s the teen culture started using the word gay to represent something not acceptable to their standards. From the late '60s gay was associated with homosexuality, to most of society homosexuality was unacceptable and considered bad, so the word gay has transformed itself into something bad or unacceptable.
gay bashers: group of teenagers or men haraassing gay men, and assaulting them. [Hey, let's kick the shit out of faggot's.]
gaybie: [late 1990's] a young gay male, with cute face, stylish dresser, and warm personality, ie the perfect man. Can be telescoped to include all gay men everywhere. [Oh look, what a darling gaybie!] [Submitted by Adam, May 21, 1999, Chicago, IL USA]
"Gaydar": like radar - but used to finding gay people.i.e "My gaydar is going off heaps - is this a gay bar?" [Submitted by Kate Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:53]
gay-bashing: The harassment of homosexuals physically or verbally.
gay cat: A homosexual boy; catamite.
gay Bob: [1978] the first gay doll. the doll was anatomically correct was sold wearing earring, plaid shirt, jeans,and boots
gay chicken: a homosexual teenager.
Gay Christian: a homosexual that Believes in the faith of Christianity.
gay dirt 1. attractive, young man or boy, use by the police to entrap gay men into performing an act sex in a public. 2. attractive, young man or boy, use by the criminal element to entrap gay men into performing an act of sex to blackmail them. see rat of Synonyms: 3 attractive, young man or boy, use by the gay bashers to trap gay men so they could beat them up. 4. admitted homosexual who betrays or robs fellow homosexuals.
GAYDOM (n.): The world of the homosexual; no place is intended, but rather includes all the world and everyone in it who is (or was) GAY (q.v.).
gay for pay: 1.[1990s] a man who identifies himself as heterosexual, who will perform gay sex acts with a partner for money.
2. a young homosexual, that is denying that he is gay. But justifies having gay sex when money is involved. [I am straight, only gay for pay.]
gay girl: male prostitute.
gay lad: The movement that advocates the protection and rights of homosexual persons. Gay Liberation: The movement that advocates the protection and rights of homosexual persons.
Gay Liberation: the movement that advocates the protection and rights of homosexual persons [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
gay plague:HIV and AIDS
gay milk bar: club or coffeehouse catering to young homosexual,too young for taverns.
gayola: blackmail, bribery, and extortion paid by homosexuals and homosexual businesses, to police. [the bar didn't pay gayola so the cops closed the bar.]
Gay right bill: HR 5452, On March 23, 1975 a gay right bill was in the United States Congress, but was not pasted.
GAY TRADE (n.): A homosexual who performs only the inserter part of the sex act; he is the party who is fellated, or he is the pedicator during intercourse.
Gay youthism: [1970s] is the belief that older people are inferior. Looked upon as inferior in attractiveness, appearance, intelligence, and sexually. Synonyms. ageism
gay zombie: [late 1990s] completely controlled by ones sexual drive. Always seeking sex, you find this type cruising parks, rest stops, Bathhouses, bars, and sex clubs.
gazette: synonym for ass
GAZOONEY (n.): A young pedicant companion' of a pedicator. (Rare, if still in use.)
GAZOOPY (n.): Sexual exhibition, commercial. (Rare.)
gear: 1. the male genitals. 2. condom.
GEARED (adj.): "Sexually perverted," according to Pollock. (Criminal slang.)
gee-gee: [g‚g‚] the rectal opening; anus. [Ray has a tight little gee-gee]
gee gee hole: the rectal opening; anus.
gender fuck: [80s] man wearing woman clothing, and beards at the same time. Synonyms: Cockettes; Radical drag.
GENDER, TO DISCOVER (v.): To become more and more homosexual after initial discovery. (See COME OUT.)
GENDER, TO LOSE (v.): To revert to an earlier sexual inclination.
gentleman of the back door: [eighteenth-century British sl] term male homosexual.
GERONTOPHILIA (n.): The state of preferring older persons as sexual partners.
Geritol set: 1.an elderly male homosexual. get a little on the side:
2. to be sexually unfaithful. 3. an open relationship. [ I love Ray, but I get a little on the side, we have an open relationship.]
get a little on the side: 1.to be sexually unfaithful 2.characteristic of an open relationship. ["I love Ray, but I get a little on the side. We have an open relationship."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get bent: get fucked Said in a derogtory way. ["Eric go get bent!"]
GET HERI (interj.): Exclamation denigrating the acts of another homosexual.
get it off: 1. to do the sex act fuck. 2. to have an orgasm; ejaclate semen. 3. to masturbate. get it on: to do the a sex act. get off: to do a sex act; and have an orgasm.
get it on: have sex ["John got it on with Bill."]
get it up: get an erection. ["John got it up when he looked at the new issue of OG magazine."]
GET INTO (v.): To pedicate; also, to copulate with a woman.
get laid: have intercourse. Relatively common term, but not acceptable in polite society. Originally, term probably required a female subject, but either gender may be a subject today: ["John got laid last night."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get off: to do a sex act; and have an orgasm ["John finally got off when Fred shoved a dildo up his ass."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
GET ONE'S NUTS OFF (or GET ONE'S ROCKS OFF) (v.): To ejaculate; when this term is used it indicates that any method can be employed since the desire for relief is so strong.
get (one's) shit together: correct personality deficiency; prepare one's self ["I wish Al would get his shit together and quit letting Bill beat him up whenever he gets drunk." "The customer expects to get up at 8 am -- be sure you have your shit together."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get pulled: [Brit] being arrested by authority of the law.
get some: to have sex [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get some mud for the duck: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get someone off: to bring someone to a sexual climax. [ He was so hot it didn't take long to get him off.]
get to first base: To initiate that one is successfully in starting a sexual activity, by hissing caressing hugging, etc. [ I do not know why he is saying that he made it with me, when he could not get to first base.] get to home plate: to do a sex act with someone, that is to, "score".
get to home plate: to do a sex act with someone, that is to, "score". [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
get to third base: the touching and playing with the genitals. [ he missed first base and started at third.]
GHM: [abbrev.] gay Hispanic male; abbreviation used in classified ads
ghost: 1. [rare, late 1950's] a homosexual that wander the halls of a bath. 2. to leave quickly. [Darrell we need to make ghost]
GIB: [abbreviation ] Good in bed. This abbreviation is used in the classified ads.
GIDE, ANDRE, French writer. One of the few great writers to publicly identify himself as a homosexual.
gift: venereal disease. comes from the "gift that keeps on giving", as in VD; STD's.
gift Giver: Some one with a STD's [venereal disease.] that passes the STD on.
"gift that keeps on giving": as in VD; STD's the gift Giver is the one with a STD's that passes the STD on.
ginger: [Brit] noun. Homosexual.
ginny woman: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.
GIRL (n.): Effeminate male homosexual.
girsegum: [Babylonian text] homosexual prostitution
gism: Semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm. See come or semen of Synonyms.
give a shit: to care; to take serious. Usually used in the negative. ["John doesn't give a shit about Brian."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
give head: To perform fellatio
give someone a burn: [50s] to infect someone with a venereal disease.
give someone a grope: to touch or handle the buttocks legs or crotch; to fondle another person's clothed genitals. Synonyms: cop a feel; eat with the hands; feel; feel up; fist it; grope; honk; read braille; reef; take somebody's pulse.
giver: [prison sl] in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
glass asshole: 1. [kwn SF, 70s] hairless anus 2. anus free of anal warts, or hemorrhouds.
GLB: Gay, lesbian, and bisexual; or BLG. Three syllables are easier to say than nine. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
gleet: [Brit] gonorrhoea discharge
glitch: [1990's] synonym for rainbow dick [Chris Neyhart pulled out his glitch at the party.] [Submitted by Chris Neyhart, 8/02/99, Montgomery AL USA]
Glittergang: Used in London today [1999s] to describe kids on the gay scene (15 - 21) who are very camp wear very tight and loud and fluffy clothes with big shoes and speak in high pitched voices teasing older men with fake sexual promises - the name glittergang comes from the fact that they wear excessive amounts of glitter in their hair.
Glitterkid: Used in London today [1999s] to describe kids on the gay scene (15 - 21) who are very camp wear very tight and loud and fluffy clothes with big shoes and speak in high pitched voices teasing older men with fake sexual promises - the name glitterkid comes from the fact that they wear excessive amounts of glitter in their hair.
GLORY HOLE (n.): The opening (hole) in a partition between two toilets in a public toilet or men's room in which a penis is inserted and fellated on the other side; usually, the two parties never see each other face to face.
glory hole sex: quick sexual act with little or no tenderness, a rushed act of sex. see one night stand or quickie for synonyms.
GLUT (n.): A fellator with an appetite that cannot be satisfied. (Rare.)
GLUTTON FOR PUNISHMENT (n.): A fellator who continues fellation after the first or second (etc.) orgasm for sheer pleasure and lubrication, especially if the penis stays erect.
gnat meat: a very small penis
GO ALL OVER TOWN (WITH) (v.): A tongue bath; licking the person over the entire body, ending with fellation (or cunnilinctus).
gob the knob: the act of performing fellatio
gobble: verb. To give oral sex.
GOBBLE THE GOO (v.): The practice of fellation. "Goo" refers to viscid semen. One who does this is a gobbledegoo gobbler (slang), although this latter is derogatory.
gobettes: [camp mid '60s] A young homosexual in the Navy age 17 to 22. gob's
gob's goobers: [fm slang "gob" = sailor and "goober" = genitals, particularly the penis] a young sailor's genitals, particularly his cock. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
GO DOWN (ON) (or GET DOWN (ON)) (v.): To fellate or cunnilingue.
God squad: noun. (The devotees of) organised religion, particularly right wing, evangelical Christians. [the god squad is at it again trying take rights away from gays, if the God squad, had their way they would have all gays put to death.
go easy: to restrain oneself, control oneself. ["Go easy. I haven't been fucked in the ass in a long time."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
GOING TO DENMARK (n.): Getting one's sex changed.
goobers: a sailor come, semen. see come. go down: to suck a cock, fellatio.
goose: 1. noun. +AFs-90's+AF0- same as prostitute of gays in cantonese spoken cities and country. 2. goose also mean the prosititue in chinese.
go girl: [1980s] remark= I agree [go girl , that Queen David is a hot act to follow.] Symptoms go girl; good night! [kwn SF, 72] thank you
go fishing: 1. [1800s] To undertake a search for facts. 2. go looking for a lover. 3. to go out looking for a sex partner. go for broke: to make a maximum effort.
go for it: to make a try for something. [ go for it John, he's good in bed.
go for broke: to make a maximum effort [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
Go juice: 1. A alcoholic beverage 2. A water soluble lubricants for sexual penetration.
go fuck yourself!: An exclamation of anger at someone, such as 'get lost!'
go tickets: [ late1990s] money [ John do you have the go tickets for tonight?]
godfather: an good looking older man, who shows affection for his male lover with gifts.
going cabareting: [prison terminology] Masturbation to erotic fantasies such as a dream partner.
going down the dirt road: synonym for anal intercourse
gold-digger: young man or teenager, interested in landing an elderly or wealthy man for a stable gay relationship.
Gold Star:( Midwest Indiana) a person who has had sex only with people of the same sex. Example, "Is he a gold star?" "No, he's done the deep sea dive on several women."
golden boy: ['70] young man in the prime of his youth.
golden champagne: [mid '60] a stream of piss, urine.
golden queen: 1. urolagnia, erotic interestgiven to urine, one that has a urine fetishist who like being pissed on. 2. older man, who shows affection for his male lover with gifts. 3. an elderly male homosexual. in his golden years. 4. homosexual prostitution, he is only gay for money; a man who identifies himself as heterosexual, who will perform gay sex acts with a partner for money. see: gold-digger; gay for pay. 5. a sexual preference for old people, a person prefers a love partner much older than himself. Synonyms: antique dealer; intergenerational relationships. 6. gay latinos, Asians, Chinese, Korean, Hispanic. male
golden retrievers: 1. urinal 2 a place for urinsting.
golden rule: the absolute code that one does not expose a fellow homosexual to his straight friends, boss, or to the press. It is considered unfair to bring another gay or lesbian out. Coming out is a individual decision. If it is exposed that one is gay, the person exposed could lose his job or position with straight friends, or family that one is not ready for. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
golden screw: urine instead of semen released into the rectum in anal intercourse.
golden shower: 1. a stream of piss, urine. 2. Urination on someone. [He's into golden shower.
GOLDEN SHOWER QUEEN (n.): A male homosexual who likes to be urinated upon while lying down; some enjoy drinking the urine.
gonif: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
gonga: the rectal opening; anus.
GONSIL (n.): A young pedicant. (Slang.)
goo: Semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm. See come or semen of Synonyms.
goober smoocher: trucker term for gay man [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
good buddy: trucker term for gay man [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
good call!: Good thinking!
good-looker: [late 1800s] Someone that is handsome and attractive.
good night! [kwn SF, 1972] remark= I agree [go girl , that Queen David is a hot act to follow.] Symptoms go girl; good night! thank you
good-time Charlie: A man devoted to pleasure and partying.
goodyear: The fleshy sides of the waist. Synonyms: bar handles; fuck handles; love handles; spare tire.
GOOFER (n.): A male who prostitutes only his penis to homosexuals, either fellators, mutual masturbators, or passive pedicants.
go off: to have an orgasm.
go on track: for a prostitutes, to go into an area and patrol for customers.
GOOP-GOBBLER (n.): A fellator or fellatrice.
goose: 1. [40s] pinching another's ass 2. playfully grabbing another's ass 3. playfully grabbibg another's penis. 4.[40s] playfully poking the finger or fingers into another's. 5. the act of anal intercourse.
goosed: the one that is being fucked in anal intercourse.
gooser: [late 50s] in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
go overboard: 1. To fall in love, or be helpless admiration. 2. To commit oneself excessively or overdo.
gonny: Gonorrhea Synonyms: clap; dose; gonorita; head cold; morning drop; rash.
gonorita: Gonorrhea Synonyms: clap; dose; gonny; head cold; morning drop; rash. got down: to have sex. [did I get the money before we got down?]
gonorrhea: [gahn-uh-ree'-uh] a specific infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, commonly called gonococcus. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The bacterium can primarily infect only certain parts of the body: the urethra, uterine cervix, rectum, throat, and eyes. The vast majority of cases are acquired by sexual contact.
Initial symptoms of gonorrhea appear about 2 to 10 days after infection, although 10 percent of men and as many as 80 percent of women show no symptoms at all. The urethra is the site most infected in men and symptoms include burning urination and a penile discharge. In women, gonorrhea most often attacks the reproductive tract but can also infect the urethra, rectum, throat, and eyes. Symptoms may include burning urination and a vaginal discharge. Infections in the throat or rectum almost never produce symptoms, and infection of the eyes results in pain, redness, and discharge.
If the infection is untreated in women, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, and subsequently some of these women have difficulty becoming pregnant. The disease may result in infection of the joints (arthritis). During birth, babies may contract gonococcal eye disease from an infected mother. Silver nitrate drops placed into the eyes of newborns kill the gonococcus if present. Antibiotics given to both partners have traditionally been the preferred treatment for gonorrhea. However, recent studies have found that penicillin- and tetracycline-resistant gonorrhea increased alarmingly from 1988 to 1989. Treatment is moving toward the use of more expensive drugs, such as ceftriaxone, to treat the disease. New drugs and a possible vaccine are being developed to combat the disease. Syn: burner; clap; dose; dose; gleet; glim; gonorita; haircut; head cold; lues; lulu; morning drop; piss pins and needles; piss pure cream; rash; stank cock; strain; tear. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
got down: having had sex. ["Did I get the money before we got down?"] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
go to Denmark: To have a sex-change operation.
GOT TO PAY THE RENT (v.): Hustler's excuse for accepting cash for sexual relations.
GO UNDER THE HOUSE (v.): To cunnilingue. (Slang; rare.)
GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT (n.): A soldier to whom a homosexual is attracted.
GRAND BAG (n.): A large scrotum.
grandma: an elderly male homosexual.
grapes: swollen hemorrhoid tissue.
grapefruits: testicles the male genitals, when the testicle are held in the hand, the scrotum looks like a large ball, the size of a grapefruit. [Look at the grapefruits on this guy.] Synonyms: bags; baggage; ball; balls; diamonds; ding-dongs; dusters; eggs; eggs in the basket; grand bag family jewels; gadgets; goatees; gongs; nut; orbs; purse; rocks; sack; scalloped potatoes; stones; testicles; velvet orbs.
gravy giver: nineteeth-century expressions for penis.
gray lady: an elderly male homosexual.
GRAY, THOMAS, English poet. Gray was noted for his many passionate friendships with handsome young men.
GREASE (or K-Y) (n.): The lubricant used in sexual intercourse of homosexuals.
greased: to get fucked through anal intercourse ["I went alone to the bar last night hoping I could get greased."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
GREEK (n.)- A pedicator; taken from the ancient label on the Greek male.
Greek fashion: anal intercourse.
Greek style: anal intercourse.
Greek way: anal intercourse .
greeking: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
green discharge: dishonorable discharge for homosexuality in the Navy.
GREEN QUEEN (n.). A homosexual w ho gets gratification from having sexual intercourse near the trees and bushes of parks. The dangerous aspect of this activity adds to his pleasure.
GREEN THUMB (n.): The penis; used in the sense that it invigorates
the garden it uses.
grind: [middle 1800s] To rotate one's pelvis in the sex act.
grimm's fairy: a quarrelsome elderly male homosexual.
GROCERIES (n.): The penis when used for oral intercourse.
grooming ritual: mutual rubbing of lotion as a prelude to sexual advance, to "break the ice." The allusion is to the way monkeys and apes will offer to groom one another on first meeting, to allay mutual fear of approaching a stran [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
GROPE (v.): To fondle, feel, or handle another person's genitals, usually when clothed. (n.): To get (or give) a GROPE; although when used so the word FEEL usually takes precedence.
ground woman: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.
gump: a male homosexual.
GUNCH (v.): To blow (fellate) (q.v.)- (n.): Sex partner, male,
GUNSEL (n.): A young pedicant. (Slang; rare.)
gut-reamer: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
gutter: an asshole
gutter limits: [gay nickname] for someone, that is unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.
gut-stretcher: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
gut-stuffer: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.
GWM: [abbrev.] gay White male; abbreviation used in classified ads
gym queen: noun. A muscly homosexual male, who obviously works out in a gym.
gym rat: muscled gay dude. ["You can tell the gym rats--they like to dance without a shirt on."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
gynaecotrope: [1946] lesbians; the term was suggested by Kurt Hiller, because of what he considered to negative connotations of "lesbians." The term never caught on
GYNANDRY (n.). Extreme hermaphroditism.
GYNECOMASTY (n.): Overly developed breasts in a male.
gynemimetophilia: people with this fetish are sexually aroused by female impersonators [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]
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