Thursday, October 14, 2010



S: [abbreviation ] single. This abbreviation is used in the classified ads.

1.the rectal opening; anus
2. the butt
3. to fuck, anal intercourse. [I definitely plan to saddle you... but I'll also spend LOTS and LOTS of time milking you dry.] first!

saddle it: anal intercourse.

saddle up: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

SADIE-MAISIE (n.): Sadism and Masochism.

sadism: [Sadism is derived from the French Marquis de Sade 1740-1814] refers to sexual pleasure derived from inflicing pain, torture, domination on another person. See SM (sadism/masochism) and masochism.

sado-masochism: sexual pleasure derived from pain, torture, domination. See SM [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sailor's cup of tea: the passive role in anal intercourse the man who is fucked.

sailor queens: [camp, kwn SF, late 60s] a sailor hustler= a male prostitutes:

Salad Boy: [Canada]a person usually a vegitarian, all gay people are Salad Boy [Submitted by Rudy Grant 8/13/1998 from Canada]

SALADIN, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. His homosexuality was brought out in several episodes of the Arabian Nights.

Salome shack up:
1. To lead a promiscuous sex life. Syonoyms: Sleep Around.
2. To do the sex act fuck with or to someone. See fuck for Synonyms.

salt in their diet: having sailors in one's sex life. [I like to have salt in my diet.]

Salt and Pepper boys: White and Black, Salt is white and Pepper is Black. [Dan is into Salt and Pepper boys]

salt-seller: a sailor hustler= a male prostitutes that only sells his penis.

salt-water taffy: a sailor's cock. penis

salty adj: Used to describe irresistibly juicy gossip, hearsay or trash-talk.

San Francisco clones: drag queens or butch lesbian.

San Quentin quail: A boy or girl below the legal age of sexual consent.Derived from the mid 40's in CA because of the Hell's Angel's biker group. It comes from San Quentin State Pen. and the the state bird, the Quail. See chicken for Synonyms.

sandwich: [1970s] A sexual act involving three men in anal intercourse, with one man being passive and active at the same time, One men only being passage and the other man being only be active. Standing facing the same direction first man is anally penetrated, by the man behind him, and at the same time being anally penetrated by the man behind him. [I would like to be in a sandwich with those two blond guys]

Santa Claus:
1.older man who shows affection for his younger male lover with gifts.
2. the guy that pays a prostitute.
3. older man who supports a younger lover or friend. Synonyms angel; papa gateau; suger daddy

SAPPHO (n.): A lesbian, as seen by the heterosexual, carrying a not too unfriendly connotation; the name coming from the Greek homosexual poetess who lived on the isle of Lesbos. (Rare.)

1.large bath towel tied, about the hips of a bathhouse patron. sashay:
2. to overplay or overdo homosexual gestures.
3. passive homosexual.

sashay: overplay or overdo homosexual gestures
2.passive homosexual

satyriasis: uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. Synonyms: horndog; thirty-day boy; satyriasis; satyromania; whore; whorella; wild thing.

satyromania: uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. Synonyms: horndog; thirty-day boy; satyriasis; satyromania; whore; whorella; wild thing.

sausage: penis

sausage jockey:
1. homosexual
2. one that gives a blow job
3. the one that is passive in anal intercourse, [Shew is a good sausage jockey, you can fuck him all night.]

sausage sandwich: [1990s]1. A sexual act involving three men in anal intercourse, with one man being passive and active at the same time, One men only being passage and the other man being only be active. Standing facing the same direction first man is anally penetrated, by the man behind him, and at the same time being anally penetrated by the man behind him. 2. noun. A sexual act involving one man and two women.

SAY A MOUTHFUL (v.): The reprimand of one homosexual for another, usually at great length, as in "To lay (one) to filth." The term, with a somewhat different meaning, is said to have come into the popular language from the homosexual.

scale: [80's] away of scoring boys or men, by points from one to ten, a ten being with the most sexual attraction.

scalp hunter:
1. homosexual that seeks those that, has never experiened it up the ass in anal intercourse.
2. one that forces timid heterosexuals to anal submission
3. one that gets heterosexuals to anal submission, anal intercourse.

SCAMMERED (adj.): Homosexual. (Criminal slang.)

scandal girl: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

Scare drag: dressed in women's clothes, light makeup on to highlighting the strong features, prominent nose, and full lips.

scarlet woman: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

scat queen: noun. A gay male who gets sexual gratification from acts involving faeces.

schizzo: Noun. Abb. from schizophrenic generally applied to a person showing incapabilities, or mental problems.

schlock Mexican: a style of decorating with unmatched colors and or mass-produced. Synonyms Art Nuevo; decorated by Cost Plus; Mexican Nightmare.

SCHWANTZ (n.): Penis.

Scientific Humanitarian Committee: The first organization for homosexuals was founded 1897 in Berlin Germany, by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. The purpose of the committee was to work for decriminalize homosexuality, by trying to get the anti-gay Paragraph 175 removed for the law. But the committee was not successful. Scientific Humanitarian Committee did some important work until the Nazis forced the committee to disband in 1933.

scissors: [late 1990s] a word to describe two lesbians fucking (also used with added hand gesture of both hands in the scissor position (like rock, scissors, paper), pushed together and moved around to simulate legs spread open and their vaginas touching). [Did you do the scissors with her?] A word to describe two lesbians together (like calling them sisters).[Scissors!]
1. noun. two lesbians
2. verb. two lesbians humping, rubbing or fucking.

1. verb. To eat.
2. to suck on someone penis.

scoping out: looking someone over, to keep looking it. scratch: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

scoptophilia: a person with this fetish likes to watch his partner or the both of them engage in sexual activity. Usually this means watching themselves perform in a mirror. A common theme in gay porn pictures is the presence of a mirror in which part or all of the action is reflected. Syn: mixophilia

1. [1970s] To achieve a liason with a sexually desirable person. [1930's]
2. To buy some illicit drugs.
3. [1980s] to rate the sexual desirability of a person On a scale from 1 to 10.[What score did you give that one? I gave him a 8.]

Scott, Jr; Robert Owen: Robert Owen Scott, Jr: [aka Wizard] [Born: December 17, 1952-] Friends call him Wizard, He is a writer, poet, a gifted psychic, and activist for both for Pagan Civil Rights and the Gay Rights Civil Movement, he maintains several webpage's devoted to Neo-Paganism, occult gay spirituality, and a Gay Slang Dictionary. The first gay slang Dictionary to be posted to the Internet, earnings Mr. Scott a place in our history. On January 23, 1973 Scott was granted an doctor of divinity degree from the Universal Life Church, On April 26, 1976 the Church of Universal Brotherhood, Honorary Doctor Divinity Degree. He founded The Church of Wicca on June 4, 1992 in the State of Washington. He also founded the Tradition "The Golden Faeries-- Sons and Daughter of the New Moon." {as known as wizards tradition, is a gay and lesbian tradition.} Coordinator and leader of several large Pagan rituals annually in his local area of Seattle and Tacoma . Under Tony Byers, Washington State director, of WARD, Mr. Scott acted as the, [contract person] for Witches Against Religious Discrimination, in the Seattle and Tacoma and the surrounding South Sound area.Witches Against Religious Discrimination [W.A.R.D.] In October of 1998, Christine Craft, Darla Kaye Wynne and Khristine Annwn Page formed the board of National Directors of Witches Against Religious Discrimination Inc. [W.A.R.D.] as a non-profit. Mr. Scott has done interviews on radio, television and news papers Wizard, is in the "WHO'S WHO Leaders & Legends of the witchcraft, and Pagan community."

scoutmaster syndrome: [ Late '70s] men taking the leadership of scout troop only because of the sexual opportunities available with young boys.

1. [1980's] To photograph or film everyday events of a relationship.[He took his camera to the mall again he's scrapbooking.]
2. [early 1970's] To photograph or film all sexual partners making a visual diary of your sexual activities.
3. [late 1980's] To document all illegal activities you perform with a video camera. [This is commonly seen in gay bashing where the participants record their activities for bragging rights later.This activity didn't become popular until the late 1990's when camcorders became more of a household item.]

scratch: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

1. [1700s] to do the sex act; fuck.
2. anal intercourse, the penis or some other object, is inserted into the anus for intercourse. see anal intercourse, or fuck for synonyms:
3. A person regarded only as a sex object.
4. Noun. A prison officer.
5. To make a mistake. [That was a real screw up, when I got involved with J. B. he took the guy I was in love with.]

screw around:
1. verb. Be sexually promiscuous.

A sex partner, a person being fucked.

screw off: To masturbate. See masturbate for Synonyms.

screwed: to do the sex act; to be fucked.

scrog: To do the sex act fuck with or to someone. See fuck for Synonyms.

SCROTILINCTUS (n.): The practice of licking and sucking the scrotum for sexual pleasure.

scrotum: the sack that holds the testicles. See Penis Anatomy. Syn: ball bag; hairy bag; poke; sack [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

scrub-woman: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

scum: Semen. See come for Synonyms.

1.[1920s] a derogatory name for someone you don't like
2. A condom. See condom for Synonyms.

scumsucker: A person who does fellatio. See cocksucker for Synonyms.

seacow: a woman or girl with a sailor boyfriend.

sea-fairy: homosexual who cruise's the beach in the summer months; a gay guy who frequents beaches and resort for sexual encounter. Synonyms: beach bitch; shell queen; sunflower; tailgator; tansie.
2. a gay sailor.

seafarer: homosexual who cruise's the beach in the summer months.
2. a gay sailor.

1. a sailor
2. A sailor regarded only as a sex partner.
3. woman

sea hag: former bronzed beach beauty who is now wrinkled, aged, and jaded.

sea legs: [kwn LA, late '60] a sailors first homosexl sex act in the Navy; to be fucked.

1. [1997 coined by this author, to be used on a penpal page, as definition for this type of person. Like the way the term bear is used.] young legal age teen, or young adult with hairless swimmers body, height, weight, is average or under for the frame.(hairlessness, smaller stature, lack of muscular development.)
2 A seal is the younger partner in a relationship where one person prefers a love partner much older than himself. in a intergenerational relationships.. Synonyms.adultophile; boyfag: cherry top; fatherfucker Gerontophilia; intergenerational; manlover. intergenerational relationships; manlover.
3 young man with no pubic hair.
4. Seals are also legal age adults that looks like they are under, the legal age of consent. Example someone over 21 that looks 14 or 15. [ you better check that boys ID he, looks to young to play with. I know, I did and he is a seal.] an adult that can't buy cigarettes or alcohol, go to Bar, or go to a R rated movie, without showing identification.{ note seal love, is not PEDOPHILIA or PEDERASTTY but is a separate phenomenon.}[the attraction to legal age adults, young men of eigteen to twenty-one is termed ephebophilia.] this is more about body type, height weight, and about the looks of the partner, with sexual maturity. Not someone that is without mental, or sexual maturity, this is about the youthful look of the person
5. adult with a, Slender hairless body, With youthful appearance, can pass for 10 to 20 years younger then they are. Many Indians and Asians have this body type into their forty.
6. either teens who are 18 or 19, or "boys" who are likely in their early/mid 20s and are trying, somehow, to look younger.
7. a gay sailor.

sea-lions: a sailor that gets out of hand and then is thrown into the brig by naval MP's seance a trois:

sea pussy: a gay sailor. see aggie.

Seattle cruise: to stand around a bar looking at other man, taking notice than pulling back. Like boys at a high school dance to afraid to ask someone to dance.

sea-wolves: a sailor that gets out of hand and then is thrown into the brig by naval MP's

secrets: the male genitals.

secondary virgin: [1990s] not taking part in sexual acts or not masturbating denial of all sexual pleasure untell marriage, as past of one's Christian believe. [before I came to the Lord I had sex with all the men I could, but today I am a secondary virgin.] Synonyms: abstinence; born again virgin.

1. to manipulate the genitals for sexual satisfaction. see masturbation for synonyms:
2. auto-fellation, the act of sucking ones oun penis until ejaculation.

self-stimulation: to manipulate the genitals for sexual satisfaction. see masturbation for synonyms:

SELL (v.): To procure a boy for a homosexual for a price. (Rare.)

semen: any fluid secreted at orgasm. Synonyms baby's baby paste; ball-bearing oil; beef gravy; cocoa butter; comings; cream; cum; cum-cum; dick drink; doll spit; dolly; face cream; french dressing; fruit juice; gism; goo; hot lead; hot milk; jelly; jizz; jizzum; juice; liquid hair dressing; load; love juice; mahu-pol; man oil; maria; mayonnaise; meco en tu boca!; mecotero; milk; oyster; pearl; pearl drop; protein; rice pudding; rich cream sauce; royal jelly; queen bees; sauce; scum; seeds; snake venom; snow storm; soul sauce; spunk; starch; sticky; turnip seeds; vitamins; wad; whore's milk.

semi: noun. [1990's. from semi-erection.]A half erect penis.

semi-closeted: homosexual who denies that he is gay, but is out only to a Gays, one the is in the closets to heterosexual.

separatist: a lesbian who doesn't like gay men.

SERVICE (v.): To provide sexual satisfaction, often on a regular basis, to a non reciprocating male (trade) by a homosexual. Example. "Johnny services three boys that live on his block every week."

service-connected disability: a gay sailors homosexual surface's while in the Navy.

set of cakes: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

set of pears: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sewer chewer: some one who performs oral sex to the anus

sewing circle: [lare 50s] a sex party of mutual masturbation, usually teens, who gather for group masturbation. Synonyms: circle jerk

sex-and-breakfast boy: hustler denote the price of their work.

sex addict: someone male or female, with an uncontrollable desire for sexual intercourse; one that needs to have sex all the time. Syn: bedbug; promiscuous guy; hypersexual; mink; satyr. See lecher.

sex addict female: uncontrollable desire by a woman, for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex, all the time. Synonyms: nymphomania.

sex addict male: uncontrollable desire by a man, for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. Synonyms: bedbug; promiscuity; hypersexual; mink; satyriasis; satyromania.

SEX, ANYONE?: Phrase used in friendly company as openers in conversation by a stranger who has just been introduced into the group but who doesn't quite know what to say. Somewhat like "Tennis, anyone?" used in an era past. The call to tennis was no more intended than is sex here. However, the possibilities of this question are far more interesting than parlor games.

sex boy:
1. punk
2. prison prostitute
3. prison sexually oppressed constantly raped victim.

sex job:
A sexually attractive or available.

sex punk:
1. prison prostitute
2. prison sexually oppressed constantly raped victim.
3. date

1.young man seen as a sex object.
2. sexualized teenager.

Sextra n: An extra on a porn shoot.

Sexual Objectification: [came into general use in 1970s] the attitude of treating others simply as sex object, sexual partners, or mere vehicles for sensual or ego gratification. sexual objectification as a concept has been traced to the Geran philosopher Immanuel Kant (1726-1804)

Sexual Orientation: [came into general use in 1970s] one's erotic and affectional response to others with with respect to gender. heterpsexual, homosexual and bisexual.

sexually fixated: cock-happy; cunny haunted; cunt-struck [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sexually-transmitted disease: any disease such as syphilis, gonorrhea, or AIDS, transmitted primarily by intimate sexual contact, particularly through sexual penetration. Syn: bend a pipe on the pisser; burn; clap; Cupid's itch; dirty barrel; dirty gun; dose; give somone a burn; gonny; gonorita; head cold; morning drop; occupational hazard; rash; rusty rifle; souvenir [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sex variants: homosexual.

SHACK UP (v.): To share the same living quarters with one's lover; usually not for a very long time.

shaft: To do the act of sexual intercourse.

2. referring to a play "The Spy who Shagged me.
3. "acquiring" as in "shagging a new boyfriend". However, it seemed to have much more of a sexual connotation as used today [2000]

shaker: [rare] dancing queen .

shakers: vice squad that work the washrooms to entice gays into sex; or work behind two way mirror to arrests the guy having sex. Syonoyms: agents provocateurs; crapper dicks; decoys; peep-hole-squad; urinal sniffers.

shantay claus n: a fabulously gay Santa Claus; a Santa Claus who snaps his fingers in Z-formation to make his reindeer appear; a fierce queen dressed in Santa Claus garb.

sharks: a sailor that gets out of hand and then is thrown into the brig by naval MP's. [ did you see all the sharks that he SPs got this weekend.}

SHE (pron.):One of the several pronouns used by effeminate homosexuals of themselves and their friends. The reverse HE is true of lesbians.

shemale: A male transvestite; male who impersonates female. Synonyms: drag queen; tv.

shell queen: homosexual who cruise's the beach in the summer months;a gay guy who frequents beaches and resort for sexual encounter. Synonyms: beach bitch; sea-fairy; sunflower; tailgator; tansie.
2. a gay sailor.

SHIMBASHI GIRLS (n.): The famed female impersonators found in the Shimbashi district of Tokyo; they are equally famed for their beauty and the near impossibility of detecting their true sex.

shirtlifter: Noun. A male homosexual.

shitter: Noun. The anus.

shit: Shit is a marvelous word in English: it has an enormous number of uses and appears as a verb, a noun, an adverb -- and maybe other forms too. Here are some of its uses.
1.verb: to defecate. Syn: bury a quaker; chuck a turd; clart; dispatch one's cargo; drop a load; go potty; grunt; lay some cable; make a deposit; pinch a loaf; poop; post a letter; scumber; squat; take a dump; take a shit
2.shit: feces - waste eliminated from the rectum. Syn: alley apple; baby ruth; brown round; ca-ca; cack; cow pucky; crap; dead soldier; doo-doo; dreck; dung; duty; hockey; horse dumpling; jack; meadow dressing; night soil; plot; poop; poo-poo; shit; turd; yackum

shit faced: very drunk ["Tom was so shit faced last night when the bar closed he took his clothes off in the alley and tried to walk home naked."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

shit-fuck: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

shit the plug: to take a shit after anal intercourse . shitter: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

1.a toilet
2.the rectal opening, anus; asshole

SHOOT (v.): To ejaculate sperm.

shoot down: insult subject some to a an act, or remark, that is meant to to hurt the pride or feelings. Syn: put down, you walked into that one, you put your foot, in your mouth that time [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

shoot the plug: shit after anal intercourse.
2. to relieve one's self of a butt plug with a squeeze of the butt muscles.

SHOP DOOR (n.): The fly in a man's trousers.

shore dinner: a sailor hustler= a male prostitutes that only sells his penis.

short-arm: [early 1900s] penis. See penis for Synonyms.

short-arm bandit: prison rapists, one that victimizes inmates by raping them. Synonyms anus bandit; booty bandit; lone wolf; single-o; tusk; wolf

short-arm heist: the act of rape. Synonyms:gang-bang; gang-splash; jump;

short-arm inspection: medical inspection of the male genitals, for venereal diseases. Synonyms: F.F.I inspection; prick parade; short-arm inspection short-arm practice.

short-arm practice:
1. medical inspection of the male genitals, for venereal diseases. Synonyms: F.F.I inspection; prick parade; short-arm inspection short-arm practice.
2. [prison sl] the act of sucking a penis.

short eyes:
1. Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent. for synonyms see peadophile:
2. [prison sl.] a sexual molester of children. Synonyms: chicken hawk

short one: quick sexual act with little or no tenderness, a ruched act of sex. see one night stand or quickie for synonyms.

short-order shrimp: a sexual quickly with a sailor, as in a tearoom, or alley.

shot down: 1. to insult.
2. to subject some to a an act, or remark, that is meant to to hurt the pride or feelings. synonyms: put down, you walked into that one, you put your foot, in your mouth that time.

shove the tongue: 1. to lick or suck the anus
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. see rim

SHOW HOUSE (n.): Usually a place of assignation (rather than a place of prostitution) for male homosexual clients. Some "model" agencies have such a feature.

shrimp: verb. for sexual gratification, to lick, suck and kiss the toes.

shrimp in a basket [mid 60s] a sailor that standing out in a crowd.

Shrimping: To suck the semen out of someones ass with a straw! [Submitted by Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 12:45:30 -0400 From: "Thomas Graves" ]

SICK (adj.): A homosexual who may border on the psychopathic. The term can also be used to describe another homosexual with much less serious intonation, only that of dislike.

sidewalk sale: the congregation of drunk and cruisy men gathering outside of a bar or nightclub once that extablishment has closed for the night (standards for tricking have usually declined).

SIL (or SILL) (adj.): A lesbian who is in love with another woman. A contraction of silly (infatuated).

SISTER ACT (n.): Sexual relations between two homosexuals of the same inclinations (see KI-KI). Has also been used to mean copulation between a homosexual male and a female.

SISTER-BOY (n.): Japanese term denoting the male homosexual.

SISTER IN DISTRESS (n.): A homosexual male in some trouble, usually with the police.

SIXTY-NINE (69) (n.): Simultaneous mutual orogenitalism, either homosexual or heterosexual; referring, in both cases, to the appearance of the numerals, the circles of the numerals representing the participants' heads, and the tails of the numerals the torsi and legs. Mutual fellation or cunnilingus.

size queen: noun. A gay male with a sexual preference for partners with large penis."size queen", referring to the size of his lover's penis [David was a size Queen, the bigger, the better he say. David says he wants a man with a dick that looks like a baby's arm with an apple at the end of it. A size queen is a male homosexual who has a fetish for unusually large penises?

1. [black sl 1930s] a homosexual. "Skippy" is a word often used such as the term Fag, Faggot, Queer, etc...a contemptuous, disparaging, degrading, belittling term used to describe a gay man such as Cock Sucker or Faggot
2. [2000s] of high quality; satisfactory; first-rate; a term of agreement [do you like that guy? dam skippy!] skin flute: [late '60s]the penis, the male copulatory organ of reproduction and urine elimination. see penis or dick for Synonyms. [ I sure loved the way Darrell played the skin flute.]

skin room: gay Turkish baths, where sex, orgy-style is more popular then the baths. Synonyms: baths; church; den; den of sin; flesh factory; hygiene hall; the tubs; whorehouse.

skinned-back: circumcised penis Synonyms chopped cock; cleaned; clipped dick; cut out to be a gentleman; kosher; kosher-dill; koshermeat; kosher-style; low neck; nipped; skinned; skinned-back; short sleeves twenty-twenty.

slam bam, thankee ma'am!: quick sexual act with little or no tenderness, a ruched act of sex. see one night stand or quickie for synonyms.

slam wham thankee ma'am!: quick sexual act with little or no tenderness, a ruched act of sex. see one night stand or quickie for synonyms.

slap and tickle:
1. noun. A lighthearted sexual liason.
2. To have sexual intercourse.

1.a sexually promiscuous person
2.something that appeals to the purient or base in humans
3.a person of low morals; one who will do dirt to others

sleep around: to be sexually promiscuous.

slick and slim up the old dusty road: [Prision sl] the rectal opening, anus; asshole.
2. anal intercourse, to fuck.

slop: the rectal opening, anus; asshole. slop-poop: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

slopchute: [late 60s] the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

slop poop: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

slop shit: the rectal opening, anus; asshole. with

slut: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

skinny-dip: verb. To swim naked.

SM: [Sadism is derived from the French Marquis de Sade 1740-1814, and masochism is derived from the Austrian novelist, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 1836-1895.] sadism and masochism sexual pleasure derived from pain, torture, domination. Sadism Synonyms: kinky sex; sadie-maisie; sadie-mazzy; S and M

Smack & Jack:A mutual sexual encounter where there is no anal penetration. The two partners kiss (Smack) while simultaneously masturbating (Jack) their partner to orgasm. Used in a sentence: I met him last night and we had a smack & jack. Submitted by Steve date, 01-27-2003

Small Gazette: is a reader-written journal for gay men which focuses on ads, for gay man that are looking for man, that are small in size or small endowed.

smallers [SF70s]: synonym for ass

smear the tuna:
1. (kwn SF,70s) syn for anilingus lubricate an asshole with saliva, usually as a prelude to fucking widen the opening of the asshole with the tongue. See rim.

smegma: [New Latin, from Latin, detergent, soap; from Greek smegma, from smechein to wash off, clean; Date: circa 1819] the secretion of a sebaceous gland; specifically the cheesy sebaceous matter that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin or around the clitoris and labia minora. Syn: cheese; duck butter; gnat bread; head cheese

Smile like a donut: to give a blow job.

Smile like a glazed donut: to give a blow job. [Submitted Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 by Mel Fuller]

1.a homosexual
2.a guy that cruises men without saying a word, just smiling at men he looks at. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

smoke out: do the sex act, fuck someone catch someone in a lie reveal a hidden truth. [ "I smoked him out. The boy is so in love he can't look at anyone else."] [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

snack: [youth slang, DC, 90s. Submitted from Washington, DC] a person that looks good to the eye physically and one tempting to pursue and have as a tasty morsel

snake handler: [90s] homosexual.

snapper: synonym for amyl nitrite. Syn: aroma of man; bullet; butyl nitrate; heart on; Jac blaster; locker room; popper; rush [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

1. [kwn SF 70s. orig.= to smell bike seats] syn for anilingus lubricate an asshole with saliva, usually as a prelude to fucking widen the opening of the asshole with the tongue. See rim [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

snapping the twig: masturbating [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

snapping turtle: [late 50s fr pros sl] the sphincter muscle of the anus as it contracts during anal intercourse.

snapping pussy: [late 50s fr pros sl] the sphincter muscle of the anus as it contracts during anal intercourse.

1. 1700's. Noun. Someone who inform on somebody.
2.Verb. To inform on somebody.

snogging: [Brit. sl. from VH1 cable TV channel Pop Up Videos] kissing [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

snot rag: noun. A handkerchief. [give me a snot rag so I can clean up this come]

Snowblower: verb. to blow semen off a penis [Submitted Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 From: Christy Schwind]

Snowcone: [late 90s] To take semen into your mouth and then kiss your partner, and while kissing pushing his own semen back into his mouth. [Submitted from Washington state by Eric]

Snow Queen: an non-white gay male who only dates white men? I first heard that term in San Diego in the early 90's.

snuffleupenis n: An uncut penis with a severe excess of foreskin; a guy with enough foreskin in which to store a condom and lube.

spade queen: black gay. See dinge queen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

speak oh toothless wonder: a statement made after someone brakes wind; fart, to expel flatulence gas throught the anus.

spider lady: [kwn SF late 60 male homosexual who habitually takes away another gay lover or date. split: [rare] the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

spilt seed:
1. [Bible] The semen produced by an orgasm
2. A penile
3. liquid ejaculation.

Similisexualism: antique medical terms for homosexuality.

sing the sailor songbook: in anal intercourse the man who is fucked make sound effects.

singing an aria: to masturbate.

sis: [late 1800s] an weak effeminate boy or man; the stereotype effeminate homosexual. sister: the men who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is doing the fucking.

1. [ late 1800s] a word used by fathers to mock their own effeminate sons.
2. [originated in mid-nineteenth-century America] cowardly weak, or an effeminate boy or man; the stereotype effeminate homosexual. Many of the synonyms for effeminate are largely heterosexual in origin. Synonyms: Angelina; bender; bentwrist; birdie; birl; bitch; bunter; buttercup; butterfly; butterfly boy; camp bitch; chirujo; cissy; sissy; cooch; coolie; cot betty; cow; cupcake; daffodilly; dainties dandy; darling; duchess; duck; gay as a goose; fag; fairy; fay; feigele; fagola; fellow; femme; filly; finicchioi; Finn's place names; fish queen; flame; flame artist; flame thrower; flamer; flaming bitch; flaming faggot; flaming lady; flaming queen; flapping fag; flicker; flit; flossy one; flower; flutterer: flying faggot; freak; freak of nature; fruit; fruitcake; fu; fuff; fluff; gay girl; giddy woman; girl; glitter girl; hair fairy; lacy lad; laddie; lily; lily white; limpwrist; lisper; little dear; loca; maricon; maripose; mavis; milksop; milquetoast; min; mince; mince meat; mintie; hint of mint; miss boy; mollycoddle; mama's boy; muffie; mujerado; nance; nancy boy; nelly; neon-sign; neon-carrier; niceling; nicht; painted willy; pansy; panz; papaout; patapouf; pato; pee willy; Percy; perthy; petal; pix; fairy; pood; poof; poofter; pouf; powder puff; punta; queen; queenie; quin; quince; red lip; red one; screamer; screaming-bitch; screaming-faggot; screaming-fairy; screaming-mimi; screaming-queen; screecher; sis; sissy-queen; sister boy; Squeaking fag; squealer; sugar sweet; sweet boy; sweetheart; sweetie; sweet William; swish swisher; tapette; tauatane; tender lily; tit-face; toots; torch; tripper; triss; tweener; twinkle-toes; twit; twixter; uffimay; waffle; whoopsie boy; Willy; winny; yoo-hoo boy; whoopsie boy.

sit on a face:
1. to lick or suck the anus
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. see rim [that boy is so good looking he could sit on my face.]

sister: a bottom, i.e., a male who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sister act: Sexual relations between a gay male and a heterosexual woman.

Sixty-Nine: mutual fellatio between two persons, whose postions of the two curled bodies suggest the numeral 69. 69 is oral sex that two persons engage in simultaneously. Sixty-nine may be engaged in by two men who engage in fellatio, two women who perform cunnilingus, or by woman and a man one performing fellatioand the other cunnilingus. Synonyms: double header; head over heels; head over heels in love; loop-de-loop; [late 1960s play hoop snake] p's and q's.

sitzbein: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

six pack:
1.six cans or bottles of beer, joined with plastic or cardbord
2.well-developed abs that look like a pack of beer cans [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

size queen: A homosexual that is concerned with the length of his partners penis. [John is a size queen if you don't have an 8 inch cock, he will not give you the time of day.]

sizzlers: [kwn Southwest late 60s]: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

skin flesh: A movie featuring nudity and sexual activity. Synonyms:

skin flute: term for the penis [ Was in common use in the '70s and '80s rarely used in the late '90s]

SKIN FLUTE, TO BLOW THE (v.): To fellate.

skin house: A theater featuring sex movies.

skin magazine: A magazine featuring nudity or explicit sexual activity.

skin room: gay steam baths, where sex, orgy-style, is more popular than the baths. Syn: baths; church; den; den of sin; flesh factory; hygiene hall; skin room; the tubs; whorehouse

skinned-back: circumcised penis Syn: chopped cock; cleaned; clipped dick; cut out to be a gentleman; kosher; kosher-dill; koshermeat; kosher-style; low neck; nipped; skinned; short sleeves; twenty-twenty.

SKOPTSY (n.): A homosexual; derived from a Russian term meaning "those castrated."

slash: [1998] gay male on male sex., or lesbian used to discribed stories of a gay content, use by a heterosexual population, not in a homophobic fashion. [this is a slash stories]

SLAY (v.): (1) To affect strongly, as: "What a beauty; did that one ever slay me . . . ." (2) To inform on or cause injury to a fellow homosexual.

sleaze: To be sexually promiscuous.

sleep around: To be sexually promiscuous. Synonyms: play around.

SLIDE, THE (n.): An establishment where male homosexuals dress as women and solicit men. Some tape their genitals to themselves and have relations through the anus. Rare in the USA but easy to find elsewhere in the world.

blue movie skin flute: The penis. See penis for Synonyms.

SMALL MEAT (n.): A small penis; the homosexual rarely becomes generous in appraisal of anything under 8 inches.

smallers: [SF 1970s]ass. See ass for Synonyms.

smear somebody's tune:
1. (kwn SF,70s) to lick or suck the anus
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. See rim for Synonyms.

SMEGMA (n.): The cheese like substance found under the foreskin of the penis.

1. a homosexual
2. a guy that cruise's you, with out saying a single word, just smiles at you.

smoked her out: do the sex act, fuck someone.
2. to catch someone in a lie.
3. to have someone become infected with. [ I smoked her out, the boy is so in love In cann't looking at anyone.]

1. (kwn SF 70s orig \ to smell bike seats) to lick or suck the anus
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. see rim snatch: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

SNAPPER (n.): The foreskin.

snapping the twig: to masturbate.

snapping turtle: [late 50s fr pros sl] the sphincter muscle of the anus as it contracts during anal intercourse.

snapping pussy: [late 50s fr pros sl] the sphincter muscle of the anus as it contracts during anal intercourse. sodomite: the active partner in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

SNEEZE IN THE CABBAGE (v.): Cunnilinctus.

snow queen: [usually a derogatory term] a black male who prefers to date white men. Mirror image of dinge queen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

SNOWFLAKE QUEEN (n.): A male homosexual who likes to have semen from orgasm by masturbation sprinkled over him while lying down; it is not unusual to open the mouth to try to catch a few drops.

SOCIAL WORKER (n.): A homosexual who cruises among the unemployed and destitute.

SOCRATES, Greek philosopher who praised the love of men for each other.

sodomite: [this terms appears in 1566 court documents in Florida] a top in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked (a bottom)

sodomize: to do anal intercourse, to fuck.

sodomy: often defined in statutes and judicial decisions as "the crime against nature." In the common law the felony offense of sodomy was understood to include noncoital copulation by a man with a man, or with a woman or beast. However, by the 19th century the term was generally deemed to mean specifically male-homosexual acts. Until then it was punishable by death in England. Severe penalties, even including life imprisonment, are still prescribed, although rarely carried out, in some U. S. jurisdictions.

soil one's knees: to give fellatio; to suck a guy's cock, give him a blow job. Comes from "going down", or getting on one's knees to be in a good position to suck a standing guys cock. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

soiled senior citizen: an elderly male homosexual.

soldier: penis souvenir: venereal disease, that is contacted from a prostitute. See VD for Synonyms.

somnophilia: a person with this fetish can maintain sexual arousal only while having sex with a partner who is sleeping. If the sleeping partner wakes up, the one with the fetish loses interest [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

south end:
1. synonym for ass
2. the oldest gay bath house in Seattle, got its start in the days of the Alaska gold rush, been in existence for over 100 years.

souvenir: See penis souvenir An STD. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

spade queen: black gay. See dinge queen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

Spare tire: The fleshy sides of the waist. Synonyms: bar handles; fuck handles; goodyear; love handles.

Speak, oh toothless wonder!: a statement made after someone farts [Speak, oh toothless wonder!: Bring it up a can and we will vote on it.]

1. noun. Vomit.
2.verb. To vomit.

spider lady: [kwn SF late 60 male homosexual who habitually takes away another gay lover or date [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

SPIT (ONE) OUT THE WINDOW (v.): To refuse to swallow semen after ejaculation in the mouth, committing it to a handkerchief or towel or, indeed, spitting it out of a window. The term is that of prostitutes and not generally used by homosexual males, who very seldom refuse to swallow the semen.

splatter poi: to ejaculate cum, especially in large amounts and on someone or on one's self. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

split: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

spilt seed: [Bible] ejaculated semen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

split some buns: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

spooge: ejaculation fluid; semen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

SPRAY (ONE'S TONSILS) (v.): To irrumate. Also: TO GET (or HAVE) ONE'S TONSILS SPRAYED. To fellate or irrumate.

1. [prison sl] one that is not an anally virgin, that has been fucked.
2. prison prostitute
3. prison sexually oppressed constantly raped victim.
4. any young or inexperienced boy that is about be be fuck; to fuck someone
5. to be a bottoms: the men who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse the man who is fucked, as opposed to the one who is doing the fucking.
6. homosexual regarded only as a sex partner.

squeezing off: to masturbate.

squid lids: a sailor in their white bell bottoms stacked: having more than seven inches of cock.

spunk up: verb. To ejaculate semen.

squits: [184O's] having diarrhoea.

Stage Fright:
1. [30s prostitute sl.] a continual fear of being raped.
2. fear in general.
3. unable to get or keep an erection. Synonyms: bad case of the tins:

1. [camp] a homosexual that always trys to be in the limelight or be the life-of-the-party.
2. a egotistical showoff.
3. a strong personality; magnetic.
4. any new male homosexual at a place. Syonoyms: Actress starlette; a young homosexual that is in the limelight or is the life-of-the-party.

star-gazer: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

stalk: noun. An erect penis.

stark bollock naked: Totally naked.

1.noun. Naked.
2. [1960s] one who runs through a public place naked.

starlette: a young homosexual that is in the limelight or is the life-of-the-party.

STD: [abbrev.1980s] See sexually-transmitted disease

Steamers: the clients of male prostitutes.

steam daddy: middle-age homosexual that spends most of his time in steamroom of a bathhouse or YMCA. Synonyms: steam queen; sweat-room fairy.

steam queen: middle-age homosexual that spends most of his time in steamroom of a bathhouse or YMCA.

sticking: fucking someone.

stigmatophilia: a person with this fetish is sexually aroused by body piercing and tattooing but not ear piercing [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

stiffy: noun. An erect penis.

stinger: penis [ I am going to put my stinger up your ass]

stinking hard: an erect uncircumsized dick that skins back when erect thus exposing the head cheese and smell that goes with it. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

stir fudge: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

stone-butch: [40' 50s] [from Redmond, CA; this is an older term, but very relevant] a masculine lesbian who will perform sexual acts on other women, but who will not let others make love to her. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

Stonewall riot: June 28,1969, New York City's Stonewall Inn, claimed in both the gay and mainstream press, that the Stonewall riot as the birthplace of the struggle for gay right in the United States. This was the day that gay people fought back against police repression. But we can not over look that, there were many earlier breakthrought, and defining moments, in the struggle for gay and lesbian equal rights.

straight: [1970s] noun. A heterosexual.

strangulation fetish: This is sexual arousal caused by loss of control over your ability to breathe. Self strangulation or allowing another person to asphyxiate you. See asphyxiophilia. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

street kid\street kids:
1. A homeless juvenile, most commonly between the age of 12 to 18. They may be runaways, or throw away kids, kicked out of the home by parents.[ Little Jason was a 14 your old boy, when his mother kicked him out of the house, he is 18 now, still a street kid, living on the streets of Seattle]
2. A young person under the age of 18, that hangs out on the city streets.

streetwalker: prostitute

stretch some jeans: [prison sl.] To do the sex act.

strip tease: an exhibitionist that takes off his cloths, to arouse one sexually, and then refuse gratification.

stroll: the street or place that a hustler goes to sell his ass. stroke: to masturbate.

stroke: to masturbate

stroke book: a pornographic book or magazine. Synonyms: come book; fuck book; fuck mag; jack book.

stroke house: a pornographic movie theater, or a store that sells pornographic.

stropping one's beak: to masturbate.

strumming the banjo: to masturbate.

1. a man regarded as being a good sex partner, that can keep a erection for a long time.
2. a man regarded as being a good cocksucker. [early 19th-century] An attractive man.
3. sexual athlete. Synonyms: sexual athlete; cocksman; horndog; stud.

struggle-buggy: [1920s] A car that is esed as the sites for sexual endeavor.

stuff: To do the sex act, used for the passive act of being fuck. [do you get stuff last night?]

1. to the sex act fellatio. see fellatio for Synonyms eat
2. Verb. To be disgusting, worthless, or contemptible.

suck ass:
1. to lick or suck the anus
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. see rim suck cock: to perform fellatio. See fellatio for Synonyms.

suck asshole:
1.syn for anilingus lubricate an asshole with saliva, usually as a prelude to fucking widen the opening of the asshole with the tongue. See rim [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

suck bob: [surf. slang] drain a bottle of booze at a sitting. Spring break-inspired way to prove one's manliness, one step up from chugging a pitcher of beer without breathing. Two guys will often race one another to finish first. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

suck cock: to perform fellatio

suck face:
1. To kiss and caress.
2 [80s] the act of kissing passionately, open mouthed kissing. Syn: : deep kiss; French kiss; mouth wrestling; pass secrets; throw the tongue; tongue wrestling.

suck off: verb. To give oral sex [ Eric, would not fuck but he would suck me off]

suck sucker: one that is into do the sex act fellatio.

suck pearls out of an oyster: to suck a cock; fellatio [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

SUCK UP (v.): Drink up; used in a gay bar for last call: 'Suck up, everybody, motel time."

suckable: that is open for sexual consideration. See available that has no lover, and could be looking for a lover or relationship.

suckable old man:
1. one that is open for sexual consideration.
2. one that has no lover, and could be looking for a lover or relationship.

suckee: the recipient of oral genital contact, getting one cocksucked. [I am always the cocksucker, and he is always the suckee.]

1. once current lover, sweetheart term used in the '60s and '70s not commonly used today
2. Kiss Term used in the '50s and '60s.[Darrell give me a little sugar.]
3. [fr '20s] money.

sugar bowl pie: syn. for anilingus. See rim [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sugar cookies: see ass for Synonyms

suger daddy:
1. [1920s] gay lover
2 older man who shows affection for his younger male lover with gifts.
3. the guy that pays a prostitute.
4. older man who supports a younger lover or friend. Synonyms angel; papa gateau; Santa Claus

sugarstick: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

SULLIVAN, SIR ARTHUR SEYMOUR, English composer. His homosexuality was thought to be one of the causes of the constant quarrels with his partner Gilbert.

surf: [1990s]Verb. To travel around different web sites using the links [ once Eric got on the net and started to surf you could not get him off]

sushi: insult; to make a remark Asian lesbian. [I see sushi]

sunflower: homosexual who cruise's the beach in the summer months; a gay guy who frequents beaches and resort for sexual encounter. Synonyms: beach bitch; sea-fairy; shell queen; tailgator; tansie.
2. young man or boy tanning himself on the beach.

sunnyside up: In anal intercourse this is perhaps the most common position, where the passive partner lies on his belly. Synonyms: backswing; bottom's up.

surprise package: [late 60s] a penis which becomes dramatically longer in length when aroused. See accordion

swamp woman [Texas 1940s] unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

SWANSKA (n.): A male known for his sexual conquests who is presumed to possess a large penis.

SWAP CANS (v.). To alternate in the act of pedication.

swap spit: the act of kissing passionately, open mouthed kissing. Synonyms: deep kiss; mouth wrestling; pass secrets; throw the tongue; tongue wrestling; suck face.

sweat-room fairy: middle-age homosexual that spends most of his time in steamroom of a bathhouse or YMCA. Synonyms: steam daddy; steam queen; sweat-room fairy.

sweater queen: square, suburban style queen, usually middle aged gay man. From the fluffy mall-bought casual pull-over this type often wears. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

sweetie: A sweetheart, lover; a term of endearment.

sweetie-pie: A sweetheart, lover; a term of endearment.

sweets: A sweetheart, lover; a term of endearment.

swells: the clients of male prostitutes.

swing: [late 1960s] To do a sex act with someone, or to be sexually promiscuously.

swing both ways: [late 1960s] To be bisexual. See bisexual for Synonyms.

swinger: A person who is sexually promiscuous. Synonyms: sleaze; sleep around; play around.

1. [1930s] to overplay or over do homosexual gestures; the traits of an effeminate male homosexual.
2. passive homosexual.
3. To walk speak or move in the manner of an weak effeminate boy or man; the stereotype effeminate homosexual.

1. to overplay or over do homosexual gestures.
2. passive homosexual.

1. to overplay or overdo homosexual gestures.
2. passive homosexual.

switch-hitter: A bisexual person. See bisexual for Synonyms.

symphorphilia: for a person with this fetish, natural disasters are sexually arousing [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

syphilis: A sexually-transmitted disease. Caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. The spirochete cannot survive outside the body, so contracting the disease by other than intimate sexual contact is rare. The spirochete usually enters the body through invisible breaks in the skin or through intact mucous membranes lining the mouth, rectum, or genital tract. About three weeks later the person develops a sore, called a chancre, at the entry spot. Relatively painless, it is usually found around the genitalia but is sometimes seen on the lips or mouth, on the breasts, or around the rectum. Lymph nodes in the affected area often become enlarged. The chancre contains large numbers of spirochetes and is highly contagious. Even without treatment the chancre slowly heals in several weeks; the spirochetes, however, spread throughout the body, and six weeks to six months later the secondary stage of syphilis occurs, characterized mainly by fever, swollen glands, and a painless, non-itching rash over most of the body, including the genital tract, the mouth, and the palms and soles. Lesions also form in the mouth and around the vagina and anus, and these are highly contagious. Symptoms eventually resolve, and the disease enters its latent phase.

Two-thirds of syphilis patients have no further trouble with the disease and are no longer infectious. In some persons, involvement of the brain and spinal cord will occur from several months to years later, causing difficulties with thinking, sensation, and movement. Patients may suffer skin and bone damage or damage to the blood vessels around the heart, resulting in heart failure and sometimes requiring surgery. Some pregnant women transmit the organism to the fetus, resulting in miscarriage, stillbirth, or deformities that may be obvious at birth or may not appear until the child reaches puberty. Syphilis can be diagnosed with a blood test, and all stages of the disease can be cured with the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Damage that has already been done to affected tissues, however, cannot necessarily be repaired; early diagnosis and treatment are therefore extremely important. Patients who have been treated need to take blood tests periodically for two years thereafter. People with syphilis and other STDs have been found to be more susceptible to infection with the HIV virus

Syn: coachman on the box; French gout; irish mutton; ladies' fever; lifelong friend; neapolitan bone ache; old joe; siff; Spanish needle; the old dog; [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

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