Thursday, October 14, 2010



P.A.: [late 1980's] A peircing on the penis that punctures the urethra and exits through the meatus. synonyms:P.A.-prince albert

PACK OF DYKES: a bunch of women, who are lesbian and "act" together in tribe like fashion. [Submitted from Amanda A. Michalski" Tue, 27 Jul 1999]

package: the male genitalia, including the penis and the scrotum and testicles. See basket [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

packing fudge: synonym for anal intercourse

pad: [1960s] a bed or place to sleep temporarily.

paddies: synonym for ass

paddling the pickle: to masturbate.

paddling the robbin: to masturbate.

packet: noun. The male genitals.

1. a man or boys closet friend.Synonyms: chum; buddy
2. a lover.

paid lover: prostitute

pain in the arse: noun. Something or someone who is troublesome

paint the bucket: synonym for anal intercourse [Submitted from, Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pairage: [1997] a substitute word for marriage. The term comes from pair and marriage, this term was developed, in a effort to take the argument, away from gay marriage. That has been a source for the religious right wing people to defeat gay rights. An officail recognition of partners to honor the union of lesbian or gay male. synonyms Domestic partnership

paleface: [black sl.] a white homosexual.

1. the rectal opening, anus; asshole][He wanted to put his sausage into my pan.]
2. [Brit.]noun. The toilet (the room and the bowl itself).

1. [1920s] A male homosexual.
2. A weak or effeminate male.

PAPA (n.): A masculine-type lesbian, usually so called if living with a MANIA, female-type lesbian (q.v.).

1. To stop a car in a place to have sex.
2. [outdated teenagers sl.] To kiss and caress.
3. [Brit gay sl] to hand over or to part with something. [Park your cock on my mouth.]
4. seeking sexual gratification in a park. [ he is out doing the park again.]

1. sex orgy. see pig pile.
2. Sex play or sexual activity.

pantywaist: a gay male that cannot or will not fight [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

PANSY (n., adj.): A male homosexual, as seen a generation ago by the heterosexual. The term is now less used, and rarely, if ever, used by the homosexual himself.

paraphilia: a fetish. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pass secrets: the act of kissing passionately, open mouthed kissing. Synonyms: deep kiss; French kiss; mouth wrestling; pass secrets; throw the tongue; tongue wrestling; suck face.

passing woman: a woman who works and dresses like a man

parlor peter: an average size penis, 4-5 inches long. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

part of the pile: [fm New Orleans] gay boys

particular friendships: the emotional attachments of adolescents, in closed institutions such as monasteries, convents, boarding schools. the term is sometimes extended to the affectionate pairings of adults. This adolescent love affair can be homosexual or asexual.

party: do a sex act ["Come on, Eric, let's have a party tonight!"] orgy play or sexual activity

party-pooper: [1950s]noun. Someone that consequently putting a damper on the pleasures of others. or who is miserable and a spoilsport.

pass: [early 1800s] a proposition or sexual advance

PASSION FRUIT (n.): A Hollywood term which refers to ci particularly masculine but definitely homosexual male; almost a term of praise.

passive partner: the man who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is doing the fucking. pantywaist: a gay that can not fight.

pass secrets: the act of kissing passionately; open mouthed kissing. Syn: deep kiss; French kiss; mouth wrestling; pass secrets; suck face; throw the tongue; tongue wrestling;.

pato: (PAH toh) [fr Spanish] A male homosexual.

patties: synonym for ass

paw: To handle and touch in a crude sexual way.

pay for play business: the business of prostitution.[I had many hot encounters in the pay for play business.]

pay for play "date" any prostitutes customer. synonym date; john; pay for play "date"

PAYOFF QUEEN (n.): A homosexual who pays for his sexual partners.

pea in a pocket: a man with a small cock.

peacemaker: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

P.C.: Adj. [1990s] of politically correct.

peadophile: one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent. synonyms: boy-eater; boy-dinner; boy-dinner; boy-freak; boy-hunter; boy-kisser; boy-love; bronco-buster; chicken-eater; chicken-dinner; chicken- dinner; chicken freak; chicken hawk; chicken hunter; chicken kisser; chicken love; chicken queen; coke-roller; hawk; kid fruit; KF; man\boy lover; pederast; Pedophilia; pedosexuality; perpetrator; pumpkin eatar; puppy lover; puppet freak; uncle; youth worker Note that mainstream gay and lesbian, view men in this group as child molesters, and distance himself from this group

1. Semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm. See come or semen of Synonyms.
2. (noun) a gay black male. "Hi, my name is Pearl". a term of derision, ie "okay, Pearl... don't get your panties in a bunch".

pearl drop: [mid 60s] Semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm. See come or semen of Synonyms.

pearl necklace: a deposit of cum, particulary around the neck of one's sex partner

pecker: The penis

pecker tracks: semen stains on clothing or sheets

pecks: [alt. pecs] pectoral muscles [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pecs: pectoral muscles; set of muscles forming the upper chest [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pederast: a lover of boys. for synonyms see peadophile. Note that mainstream gay and lesbian, view men in this group as child molesters, and distance himself from this group

PEDICATION (n.): Anal coitus; the active party is called a PEDICATOR, while the passive party is a PEDICANT and his practice is termed PEDICANCY.

Pedophilia: {p[a]edophilia 1906 was first used in English, by Havelock Ellis} technical term for a specific form of sexual pathology, sexual interest in childen. for synonyms see peadophile: Note that mainstream gay and lesbian, view men in this group as child molesters, and distance himself from this group.

pedosexuality: sexual contact between children and adults. Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young children, under the age of consent. for synonyms see peadophile. Note that mainstream gay and lesbian, view men in this group as child molesters, and distance himself from this group

1. noun. Urine.
2.verb. To urinate.

1.(exclam) stetement of complaint. [did you see her perform in drag she pee'd, no drag queen looks as good.
2. stinking drunk

PEEK-FREAK (n.): Peeping Tom; voyeur.

peep-hole squad: vice squad that work washrooms to entice gays into sex, or work behind two way mirror to arrest guys having sex. Syn: agents provocateurs; crapper dicks; crapper decoys; shakers; urinal sniffers.

PEEPEE LOVER (n.): The homosexual fellator who likes very, . very young boys.

PEEPEE MEAT (n.): A small penis; a hangover from the nursery term meaning the urinary organ.

peg boy:
1. a male homosexual who takes the passive role in anal sex.
2. [1800s] a boy prostitute; a boy forced to sit on pegs to dilate their anuses, in boy brothels.
3. A boy used as a catamite by a man.

peg-houses: [1800s] old seafaring name for a boy brothel.

pellin: synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pencil dick: a small thin dick

penilingus: technical term for cocksucking. perpetrator: technical term for someone with sexual interest in childen. The child is said to be the victim, of the perpetrator sexual abuse. for synonyms see peadophile.[Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pecker: expressions for penis.

pecks: pectoral muscles.

pecker tracks:
1. The semen produced by an orgasm.
2. semen stains on clothing or sheets.

PENILINCTUS (n.): Licking of the penis. (See FELLATION.)

PENIS (n.): The male sex organ. Synonyms: banana, bar, bean, bent stick, big brother, black jack, blind bob, bone, bowsprit, business, butcher knife, canasta, chanticleer, cheese cutter, chopper, cock, cookie, dagger, dang, dark meat, dick, dingy, clink, dirty barrel, dong, dork, fancy work, gadget, giggle stick, giggling pin, golden rivet, green thumb, groceries, gun, hammer, hidden treasure, hot dog, hung, impudence, jack-in-the-box, jang, jerking iron, ping-jang, jock, johnny, johnson, joint, joy knob, joy stick, kidney wiper, knob, lingo, little brother, lollipop, meat with two vegetables, member, mickey, middle leg, mortar and pestle, muscle, mutton, old blind bob, old thing, organ, pax wax, pecker, pencil, penis erectus, penis immensus, penis praelongus , penis promissus, peter, phallus, piccolo, pintle, piston, pogo stick, poker, pole, poontanger, pork chopper, priapus, prick, prong, pudenda, pudendum, pulse, redcap, red-hot poker, rhubarb, richard, rod, roger, rupert, rusty rifle, schmuck, schnitzel, sexing piece, snake, spout, stalk, stick, sticker, stinger, swanska, sword, tadger, tally-whacker, thing, tommy, tongue, tool, Wang, weapon, weenie, Wang, whelp, whistle, wick, wiener, wrinkle, wire, worm, yang, ying.-yang, zubrick.

penis butter: synonym for cum or semen [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

PENIS ERECTUS (n..,): The state of the male member at great sexual excitement, in which the shaft and head are taut and rigid and protrude from the body in an erect position. Synonyms: bar, bar on, big -brother, bone, bowsprit, come aloft, erection, get it up, golden rivet, half-mast, hard, hard on, hard up, head, jock, membrum virile erectum, piss hard, pulse, rigid digit, roaring jack, rod, stalk, stiff, tumescence, up a bone.

PENIS IMMENSUS (n.): A male organ of ;unusual -size in both length and circumference. Synonyms: big brother, blackjack, doctor, donkey rigged, hung, hung like-a horse, -meat for the butcher, swanska.

PENISUCTION (n.): Sucking of the penis. (See FELLATION.)

penis souvenir: a sexually-transmitted disease such as syphilis or AIDS [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

people like us: homosexuals.

Percy: An effeminate male.

Percy boy: An effeminate male.

Percy-pants: An effeminate male.

Perform: To function sexually; to do a sex act.

PERINEUM (n.): The surface region at the base of the buttocks between the genitalia and the anus.

perpetrator: technical term for someone with sexual interest in children. Regess of whether the child wants sex or not; whether or not the child enjoys the sex, the child is the victim of the perpetrator's sexual abuse. See pedophile peter: the penis [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

perve: noun. of pervert.

1.noun. pertaining to, practicing sexual perversion.
2.An exclamation of endearment. Often used affectionately.

peter: The penis.

peter-eater: A person who does fellatio; to perform fellatio. See fellatio for Synonyms:

peter machinist: [50s] VD doctor [the peter machinist said that I was uninfected.]

pets: a small animal suitable for apartment living in the big city, mostly small dogs and cats. Synonyms. barbie dogs; earmuff; pets; rugs.

PHALLUS (n.): The penis.

PHONEY (or PHONY) (n.): A homosexual, as seen by a male prostitute as being stingy -or likely to cheat him.

Picadilly Cirus: [ Brit 30' ] a favorite cruising area of male prostitute and homosexuals

PICK UP (v.): (1) To strike up an acquaintance with a stranger for sexual purposes. (2) To actually take home this stranger for sexual purposes. (n.--one word): The person so accosted.

pick up the soap: in anal intercourse the man who is fucked, dropping or picking up the soap is a invention for being fuck in the armed forces, gay baths, YMCA's and prison.

piccolo player: A person who does fellatio and likes it; to perform fellatio. See fellatio for Synonyms.

pictohilia: this fetish provides sexual arousal through watching X-rated films and videos [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

PIE: Paedophile Information Exchange. [now-defunct]

PIECE (or PIECE OF ASS) (n.): A desirable sex partner.

piece of ass:
1. sexual activity; sexual gratification. [John is out looking for ass]
2. a person regarded only as a sex partner. Synonyms. trade;
3. anal intercourse, the penis or some other object, is inserted into the anus for intercourse. see synonyms anal intercourse or fuck.

piece of luggage
[kwn Midwest, mid 60s]: synonym for ass

piece of trade: a prostitute.

pier angelies: clients of a sailor hustler= a male prostitutes.

1.[1800s]noun. A policeman/woman. Mid 1800's
2.homosexual lecher; one that wants to have sex all the time

pig hole: asshole; an orifice for sex

pig pile: sex orgy

pig room: a bigger orgy room in a gay baths house, where sex, orgy-style is more popular then the baths.

piggies: female breasts, especially used for sloppy breasts of an obese woman. Synonyms: barbettes; bazooms; boob boobie; boobs; jubes; knockers; maracas; melons; memories; milk cans; milk wagons; piggies.

pikestaff: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

1. nineteeth-century expressions for penis.
2. a man who fuck's hard and fast.

pilgrim: [mid 60s] a straight man that is aware that he is dressing sexily to homosexuals. Syonoyms advertising pilgrim

pilgrim's staff: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

pillow fucker: to masturbate using two pillows, so as if to have somebody under him. One pillow under the cock, and one pillow over, as to make a asshole.

pimp: a man who controls and profits from the services of a prostitute. The pimp may also solicite for his boys. Syn: apron squire; ass peddler; brother of the gusset; button broker; crack salesman; fishmonger; flesh peddler; gorilla; honey man; hustler; iceberg slim; mack man; missionary; panderer; petticoat merchant; ponce; procurer; prosser; runner; skirt man; stable boss; toute; whiskin

pink: A homosexual.

pink dollar: [1980's USA] noun. Disposable income. Due to not having the financial expense of children. Gays have more disposable income

pink pound: [Brit] noun. Disposable income. Due to not having the financial expense of children. Gays have more disposable income

pink triangle: Nazi Concentration Camp homosexual prisoners were always marked, with symbols, in the first years of the Concentration Camp varying symbols was used. In time a pink cloth triangle sewn to the clothing was introduced. The total number of officially-defined homosexual prisoners in the camps was estimated at about 10,000. It is estimated that form 500,000 to 1,000,000 Nazi Concentration Camp homosexual prisoners died in the camps.

1. VD clinic Synonyms: clap clinic; pipe-cleaner; plumber's
2. used hypodermic.

PIQUERISM (n.): The practice of stabbing one's victim with sharp instruments and getting sexual gratification from the sight of the blood and suffering of the victim.

pistol: nineteeth-century expressions for penis.

pit bull: [kwn LV, mid 60s]heterosexual anal intercourse, the man who fucks.

1. [prison sl]to fuck one ass, to penetrate the anus in anal sex.
2. in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked. See top for Synonyms.

pitcher: man who fucks in anal intercourse as opposed to the one who is fucked.

piss: to urinate. Syn: bleed the liver; burn the grass; do number one; drain; drain the lizard; drain the radiator; drain the snake; drain the suds; kill a snake; kill a tree; lag; lant; leak; let fly; make; make water; nature stop; pass water; pee; pee-pee; pick a daisy; piddle; piss; point percy at the porcelain; pump ship; rack off; run off; shake a sock; shake hands with an old friend; shake the dew off the lily; slack; splash; spring a leak; squeeze the lemon; squirt; strain one's taters; syphon the python; take a leak; take a piss; take your snake for a gallop; tinkle; toy-toy; train terrence on the terra cotta; visit miss murphy; void; water the dragon; water the horses; wee; wee-wee; wet; whiz; wring out a kidney; wring the dew off the branch; wring your sock out

piss eligant: [usually followed by "queen" or "fairy" or other nouns relating to the gay lifestyle.

piss eligant queen: a gay person who has a "hollier than thou" attitude [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

piss off: make angry. ["Jerry's great in bed, but he really knows how to piss me off."]
2.[Brit] to go some place. ["I need to get out of here so, I'm pissing off to my sister's."][Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

piss queen: noun. urolagnia, erotic interestgiven to urine, one that has a urine fetishist who like being pissed on.

pissed: very drunk

pistol: nineteenth-century expression for penis

pit bull: [kwn LV, mid 60s] a heterosexual who fucks by anal intercourse [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pit job: sexual climax achieved by moving the erect penis back and forth in the armpit of one's partner. See axillary intercourse

1.[prison sl] anal intercourse
2.a top in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked (a bottom)[Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pitcher: a top, the man who fucks in anal intercourse as opposed to the one who is fucked.

pix: A male homosexual.

PIXIE (n.): A homosexual male, as seen by the heterosexual (an exception if used; see FAIRY).

PG rated: straight stud known to be "gay for pay"

plank: anal intercourse, the penis or some other object, is inserted into the anus for intercourse. [I know he has a lover, all I wanna do is plank him.] see anal intercourse, or fuck for synonyms:

PLATO: Greek writer and philosopher who wrote of the sublimity of the love of men for men.

play: [1990s] a statement for noncommittal sexual relations; to have sex.["David would you like to come home with me and play?"] Synonyms: mess around

play around: To be sexually promiscuous.

PLAY BOTH SIDES (v.): To participate in sexual relationships with both sexes, perhaps have a family and give the appearance of a completely heterosexual life while on the side enjoying homosexual experiences.

1. boy with a sexual preference for old men, preferring a love partner much older than himself. Syn: adultophile; antique dealer; boyfag: cherry top; fatherfucker; gerontophilia; intergenerational; manlover
2. a young male prostitute.

playboys: boys with a sexual preference for old people, a person prefers a love partner much older than himself. Synonyms: adultophile; antique dealer; boyfag; cherry top; fatherfucker Gerontophilia; intergenerational; manlover; playboys.

play checkers: To move about from seat to seat in a movie theater, to locate prospective sex partners. synonyms: play chess

play chess: To move about from seat to seat in a movie theater, to locate prospective sex partners.

play checkers play dump truck: anal intercourse, the penis or some other object, is inserted into the anus for intercourse. [he said that he would like to play dump truck; you back up and I'll put the load in.] see anal intercourse, or fuck for synonyms:

play dump truck: anal intercourse ["He said he would like to play dump truck; 'You back up and I'll put the load in.'"] See fuck [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

play grab-ass: To grope, to feel and fondle sexually

play hide the weenie: To do the sex act fuck. play leap frog: anal intercourse, the penis or some other object, is inserted into the anus for intercourse. see anal intercourse, or fuck for synonyms:

play leap frog: anal intercourse

playing canasta: spending time looking at crotches. Synonyms: basket-watcher; basket-shopping.

playing solitaire: to masturbate.

playing with it: to masturbate.

play the piano:
1. [late 60s] [seemingly a pun on rim and Russian composer Rimski Korsakov] to lick or suck the anus, anilingus; to stimulate the asshole by kissing, licking and penetration of the anus with one's mouth or tongue or both
2. usually as a prelude to fucking, to lubricate with saliva the anus.
3. to widen the opening of the anus with the tongue. see rim

playmate: Sexual partner.

play stinky-pinky: to insert a finger into the ass. Synonyms: fingerfuck; stink-finger.

play the field: To have a number of sex partners, or lovers. playing the skin flute: To perform fellatio. See fellatio for Synonyms.

playing the skin flute: to perform fellatio

Pleasure Club: A male brothel in New York City on West Third Street in the 1890s.

plone: woman. This is an example of the polari underground gay language used in the British Merchant Marine. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

plonker: [Brit]noun.A penis.

pluck: To do the sex act fuck with or to someone.

pluck a fruit: to pick up a guy for sex

PLUG (v.): To pedicate.

plug in the neon: [kwn SF, 72] to inhale amyl nitrite while having sex.

plug-tail: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

plumber's: the free VD clinic Synonyms: clap clinic; pipe-cleaner;

plumber's plumbing: the male genitals.

plumbing-fixture: condom.

plum-tree shaker: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

PO: piss off. ["Al got drunk last night and made an ass of himself. I was really PO'ed."]

pocket pool: to masturbate.

poke: verb. To have sex with.

poison queen: a queen who either trades in vicious and malicious gossip or who lives for controversy [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

Polari: an underground language used in the clandestine gay scene in the UK in the 1950s. Due to the vast number of gay men in the Merchant Navy it was and is still currently used there. The language was quite encompassing. The following terms are defined in the dictionary: beverada; bona; cabouche; cod; dolly eek; eek; face; feelie; flange; homie; lals; nantey; ogles; plone; riah; varda

Sentences can therefore be constructed: Varda the plone with the cod lals and bona eek. Look at that woman with the bad legs and nice face. My homie has a dolly eek. My gay lover has a beautiful face. [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

police: the police. Synonyms: alice; Alice Blue Gown; alice blues; Lily Law.

1. [Bible] The semen produced by an orgasm
2. A penile
3. liquid ejaculation.

pogey bait: [fr WW1 1914s] Sweets, candy, food or cigarettes used by prison inmate or soldiers, in the seduction of boys and young men, to do homosexual acts.

1. (POHG) A youthful male homosexual.
2 The willing or unwilling partner of a male homosexual. Synonyms: punk. pogie pogy; poggie or poggy pogey.

poke: [late 1800s] To do the sex act fuck with or to. See fuck for Synonyms.

pom-pom: The sex act fuck.

poof: [Australian early 1900s] Effeminate male homosexual. See effie for Synonyms. poofter; poove; pouffe.

poon: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

POONTANG (n.): Sex relations; also, Negro girls' sexual organs.

poop-hole: the rectal opening, anus; asshole. poopoo: the rectal opening, anus; asshole.

poopoo: 1.the rectal opening, anus; asshole
2.defecate; shit [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

1. [40s] any gay guy who is in his thirties.
2. To do the sex act fuck with or to. See fuck for Synonyms.
3. The sex act; or sexual activity.

pop it in the toaster: synonym for anal intercourse

popo: synonym for ass

poppa: 1. any lesbian under the age of consent.
2. teenager, adolescent juvenile, young-looking, youthful.

popper: synonym for amyl nitrite.

1. any boy under the age of consent.
2 teenager, boyish, adolescent juvenile, young-looking, youthful.

porch: [70s prison sl] gay man that appears as womanly as possible with shaven legs and plucked eyebrows. Syn: ace queen

pork: To do the sex act fuck with or to. See fuck for Synonyms.

pork dagger: noun. The penis.

porker: noun. A fat person.

pork sword: noun. The penis.

porn: Pornography

porno: Pornography

porthole: the rectal opening, anus; asshole, of a sailor.

post-gay: [1994 coined by the British journalistand activist Paul Burston] is critique of politice and culture by gay people, for gay people. This term is not anti-gay, and doesn't reter to someone has switched sexuality, from homosexual to heterosexual

POSSESH (n.): A young boy or road-hobo, who is pedicated, protected, and perhaps used in begging. Said to be a contraction of "possession." (Rare.)

1. The toilet. Synonyms: crapper; john.
2. Marijuana Synonyms: grass, tea.

potcharooney: [mid 60s] synonym for ass [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

pound: To do the sex act fuck with or to. See fuck for Synonyms.

poundcake: [40s]: synonym for ass

POUNDCAKE, TO EAT (v.): To lick the anus.

pounding the pud: to masturbate.

POWDER PUFF (n.): Effeminate male homosexual.

powder someone's cheeks: synonym for anal intercourse

pozcum: engaging in anal intercourse without using a condom, and while the one doing the fucking is HIV positive.

pratt: synonym for ass

pratt-man: a top in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked (a bottom)

pratt-hunter: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

pretty-boy: A man who is good-looking in an effeminate way.

pratt-man: in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

PREPUCE (n.): The foreskin which covers the glans of the penis.

priapism: a condition resulting in prolonged and painful erection for as long as several days.

PRIAPUS (n.): A phallus; derived from Priapos, a Greek god who symbolized the power of reproduction in the male.

prick: [late 1500s] The penis. See cock for Synonyms.

PRICKNIC (n.): An orgy involving oral intercourse between several homosexuals.

PRICK PEDDLER (n.): The male prostitute.

1. to arouse sexually and then refuse gratification
2. a male homosexual who arouse a man sexually and then refuse gratification
3. to lead somebody on and then fail to deliver. Synonyms cock tease; cockteaser; CT; prick-teaser; PT; tease;

Prince Albert: [late 1980's] noun. A peircing on the penis that punctures the urethra and exits through the meatus. synonyms: P.A.-prince albert

PRINCESS (n.): A very young homosexual.

princeton rub: the act of two guys rubbing their bodies together until they cum. See college style [Submitted from,Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

prissy queen: noun. A snooty or prim gay male

privates investigator: unrestrained homosexual, uncontrollable desire by a man for sexual intercourse one that needs to have sex all the time. See whore for Synonyms.

private parts: noun. The genitals.

PRIVY QUEEN (n.): A male homosexual who frequents public toilets in search of trade.

1.well versed and good in all aspects of lovemaking. Synonyms artiste; professional.
2.noun. prostitution.
3. [fr WW2 1940s] A prophylactic Synonyms: condom; rubber

1. well vered and good in all aspects of lovemaking. Synonyms artiste; pro; professional.
2. prostitution.

PROPOSITION (v.): To suggest homosexual intercourse; the word is the some for heterosexual sex.

PROSPECT (n.): One who will (or seems likely to) allow homosexual sex.

prostitute: providing sex on demand for money. Syn: ass peddler; ass pro; bachelor's wife; bangster; barrack hack; bimmy; bird; biscuit; blouser; bob tail; boong moll; broad; bunny; burlap sister; business girl; butt-peddler; call girl; canvasback; chippy; cock-eyed jenny; coffee grinder; cum-catcher; common sewer; company girl; crack salesman; cruiser; door keeper; dress for sale; early door; erring sister; fast-fanny; ferry; flag-about; flash-tail; flatbacker; flax-wench; flesh pot; floosie; foreskin hunter; frail sister; garbage can; guinea hen; harlot; harpie; hat-rack; hay-bag; hooker; hose-bag; hunt-about; hustler; joy boy; lease-piece; livestock; loose fish; lowheel; mattress; merry-legs; moonlighter; moth; needle-woman; night jobber; nockstress; notch-broad; nymph of darkness; old rip; overnight bag; painted woman; pavement princess; piece; piece of trade; pinch prick; pintle-twister; poker climber; pro; prossy; punchable nun; puta; quail; quiff; raspberry tart; receiver general; red-light sister; sailor's bait; sales lady; scarlet sister; she sails; sister; sister of mercy; sloop of war; slut; speedy sister; sporting girl; stem siren; streetwalker; strumpet; tail; tart; thrill dame; toffer; tricking broad; tumble; vent renter; vice sister; whore; window tapper; woman about town; working girl; zook

prostitution: the sale of sex by a prostitute; providing sex on demand for money. Syn: ass business

protein: Semen or any fluid secreted at orgasm. See come or semen of Synonyms.

protein fart: Often let off inside a gym, a noxious and sulfuric flatulence caused by excessive intake of synthetic protein.

prowl: look for a lover or relationship. See on the prowl

1. [prison s late 60s] the rectal opening, anus; asshole.
2. [prison sl] a anally virgin. ["Use a lot of Vaseline or spit, if you fuck this one, he still got his cherry.]

prune person: an elderly male homosexual.

prushon: A young homosexual who lives with hoboes, tramps, homeless

prushun: A young homosexual who lives with hoboes, tramps, homeless.

privates: the male genitals.

PROUST, MARCEL, French writer; undoubtedly the greatest modern writer to write openly of homosexuality.

PRUSHUN (n.): A young pedicant. It has been said that before the First World War, when spelled prussian in criminal slang, it meant pedicator. (Rare.)

psycho: noun. of psychopath.

1.[prick-teaser]. to arouse sexually and then refuse gratification
2. a male homosexual who arouse a man sexually and then refuse gratification
3. to lead somebody on and then fail to deliver. Synonyms: cock tease; cockteaser; CT; prick-teaser; tease

Pubic Lice:
(Pediculosis)also called "crabs" or "cooties." Pubic lice look like tiny crabs; thus the name crabs. They are pale gray but darken in color when swollen with blood. They attach themselves and their eggs to pubic hair, underarm hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Their eggs are white and are deposited in small clumps near the hair roots.
Common symptoms

* intense itching in the genitals or anus
* irritability.
* mild fever
* feeling run down
Pubic Lice Are Spread
* intimate and sexual contact.* contact with infected bedding, clothing, upholstered furniture and toilet seats

over-the-counter medication. Some of the brands available are A-200(R),Kwell(R),NIX(R) and RID(R). Follow the directions on the package insert. Repeated head-to-toe applications may be necessary. Everyone who may have been exposed to pubic lice should be treated at the same time. All bedding, towels, and clothing that may have been exposed should be thoroughly washed or dry cleaned. The home should be thoroughly vacuumed.

pud: (PUHD, PooD) The penis.

pudding: The penis.

puff: 1. noun. A male homosexual.

puff pussy: [late 60s] swollen hemorrhoid tissue.

PUFTER - an old English term for queers.

pull an all-nighter:
1. To do the sex act fuck with someone all night.
2. To study all night.

pull a train: To do the sex act fuck with several men. Synonyms: the train; the choo-choo.

pull off: to masturbate.

PULSE (n.): The penis when it has a tendency to throb like a heartbeat.

1.[Brit 50'] one that pays for the favors of a male prostitute.
2. [prison sl] in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

1. [1700s] To do the sex act fuck. See fuck for Synonyms.
2. fart, to break wind.

pump handle: eighteeth-century expressions for penis.

pumping off: 1. to masturbate.
2. in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

pumpkin eater: Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent. for synonyms see peadophile:

punish: to do the sex act; fuck

PUNISHMENT (adv., adj.): Accepting an uncomfortably large penis orally or anally.

puppy: a beautiful adolescent boy.

puppy lover: Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent. for synonyms see peadophile:

puppy-love affair: one of an adolescent boys first time loves

puppies: beautiful adolescent boys.

punish: To do the sex act fuck. See fuck for Synonyms.

1. prison prostitute
2. prison sexually oppressed constantly raped victim.
3. any young or inexperienced boy.
4. to be a bottoms: the men who prefers the passive role in anal intercourse the man who is fucked, as opposed to the one who is doing the fucking.
5. homosexual regarded only as a sex partner.
6. To sodomize; do anal intercourse to someone. Synonyms: cornhole.
7.[1976] noun. A type of raw rock music
8. [1980s] fashion stereotypical brightly coloured mohican haircut, scruffy black clothes, metal studs, belts

punker: [prison sl] in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

punishing percy in palm: to masturbate.

puppet freak: Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent. for synonyms see peadophile:

puppet-show: child pornography.

puppet-show freaks: Paedophile, one with a sexual attraction, and need see young boy, under the age of consent, in pornography.

puppy: attractive young man, juvenile, youthful, young-looking boy.
2. an adolescent with a sexual attraction for an adults. Synonyms: adultophile; boyfag: cherry top; fatherfucker Gerontophilia; intergenerational; manlover.

puppy love: [early 1800s] Infatuation of an very young persons.

puppy lover: pedophile; one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boy, under the age of consent.

puppy-love affair: one of an adolescent boy's first time loves

Purple Power: a post-Stonewall catchword for the gay community. In ths late 1960s the color purple (or, more accurately, lavender) became popularized as a symbol for gay pride.

PUSHBUTTON (n.): A contact used by a homosexual in a strange town to find other homosexuals.

push-push: To do the sex act fuck with or to someone. See fuck for Synonyms.

pushin' shit uphill: synonym for anal intercourse

puss: synonym for ass

1. [late 1800s] The vulva or vagina, or the rectal opening, anus; asshole.
2. a sex partner.
3. Effeminate male, or homosexual.

pussy tightener: swollen hemorrhoid tissue. put: to do the sex act. put a move on someone: To make a sexual on someone.

put: to do the sex act; to fuck

put a move on someone: to make a sexual advance to someone.

put him in the picture: to tell some one about someting. [you need to put him in the picture if he is going to work this street!]

put it to someone: To do the sex act fuck with or to someone. See fuck for Synonyms. put out: to get fucked or sucks cock, to proffer sexual favors.

put the blocks to someone: To do the sex act fuck with or to someone. See fuck for Synonyms.

put the make on someone: To make sexual advances. put the moves on someone: To make sexual advances.

put out: to make oneself available for sex; to get fucked or to suck cock; to proffer sexual favors.

PWAs: [late 80s] [abbreviation ] people with AIDS. This abbreviation is used in the classified ads.

pweenis: A very wee penis; a penis approximately the same size as a baby carrot; an unusually teeny weenie

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